Instructions on How to Vote in the 2022 Local 38 Executive Elections
Voting Instructions by Demographic Group
(click group title for detailed instructions)
High School Members |
Principal Members |
High School Principal Members |
All Other Members |
- Elect a High School Member Rep,
- Then elect President, up to 2 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Teacher Welfare Committee Chair
- Elect a Principal Member Rep,
- Then elect President, up to 2 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Teacher Welfare Committee Chair
- Elect a Principal Member Rep,
- Then elect a High School Member Rep,
- Then elect President, up to 2 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Teacher Welfare Committee Chair
- Elect President, up to 2 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Teacher Welfare Committee Chair
Technical Support on Election Day
Phone Us: If you prefer to contact us by phone, Support for Online Services is open from 0800 to 1700: 1-855-407-3891
I Didn't Receive a Ballot or Can't Access CBE Email
All teachers employed by the CBE as at 2022 April 27 will have received a ballot with a unique voting link in their CBE email address.
- If you are new to the system (hired after 2022 April 27), email or call 403-262-6616 to be screened for eligibility.
- If you are unable to to access your CBE email...
- Start by contacting the CBE Technology Help Desk at 403-817-7777 to try to regain access to your account
- If you are unable to get an account set up, or access to your account, contact or call 403-262-6616 to be screened for eligibility.